February 18, 2016 Board of Adjustments
Board of Adjustment -- Regular Meeting - 1. Call to Order
2. Consider approval of the minutes of the Board of Adjustment Meeting of November 30, 2015.
3. Conduct a public hearing and take action on a request for a variance to allow a building to
encroach 9.16 feet into the 20-foot setback from the rear property line. The subject property is
located at 2313 Windward Way, further described as being Lot 6R, Block 7(A) of the Vue Du Lac,
an addition to the City of Rowlett, Dallas County, Texas.
4. Consider appointing a Member of the Board of Adjustment to the Long Term Recovery –
Construction Sub-Committee.
5. Adjournment
Board of Adjustment -- Regular Meeting
1. Call to Order2. Consider approval of the minutes of the Board of Adjustment Meeting of November 30, 2015.
3. Conduct a public hearing and take action on a request for a variance to allow a building to
encroach 9.16 feet into the 20-foot setback from the rear property line. The subject property is
located at 2313 Windward Way, further described as being Lot 6R, Block 7(A) of the Vue Du Lac,
an addition to the City of Rowlett, Dallas County, Texas.
4. Consider appointing a Member of the Board of Adjustment to the Long Term Recovery –
Construction Sub-Committee.
5. Adjournment
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