February 26, 2019 Planning and Zoning Commission
Item 1
Consent Agenda - Consider the Minutes of the Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting of February 12, 2019
Consent Agenda
Consider the Minutes of the Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting of February 12, 2019»
Item 3A - Conduct a public hearing and make a recommendation to City Council, for the City of Rowlett
Comprehensive Plan Update.
Item 3A
Conduct a public hearing and make a recommendation to City Council, for the City of RowlettComprehensive Plan Update.
Item 3B - Consider and make a recommendation to City Council on a request by Bobby Corgan, Corgan
and Associates, on behalf of property owner, Martin Molloy, for an Alternative Building
Materials (ABM) request to allow Ipe (Hardwood) Siding on up to 10% of each exterior façade,
on property zoned Single Family Residential (SF-10) District. The 0.507 acre site is located at
6121 New Forest Drive, City of Rowlett, Rockwall County, Texas.
Item 3B
Consider and make a recommendation to City Council on a request by Bobby Corgan, Corganand Associates, on behalf of property owner, Martin Molloy, for an Alternative Building
Materials (ABM) request to allow Ipe (Hardwood) Siding on up to 10% of each exterior façade,
on property zoned Single Family Residential (SF-10) District. The 0.507 acre site is located at
6121 New Forest Drive, City of Rowlett, Rockwall County, Texas.
Items 3C & 4 - 3C. Consider and make a recommendation to City Council on a request by Stephen Sulli, Rise
Residential Construction, on the behalf of property owner, Melissa Fisher, for a Tree
Mitigation Plan and related Tree Removal Permit application on property zoned Planned
Development (PD) with a base zoning of General Commercial/Retail (C-2), for the Lakeview
Senior Living Development. The 10.27 acre site is located at 7420 Lakeview Parkway (5314
Items 3C & 4
3C. Consider and make a recommendation to City Council on a request by Stephen Sulli, RiseResidential Construction, on the behalf of property owner, Melissa Fisher, for a Tree
Mitigation Plan and related Tree Removal Permit application on property zoned Planned
Development (PD) with a base zoning of General Commercial/Retail (C-2), for the Lakeview
Senior Living Development. The 10.27 acre site is located at 7420 Lakeview Parkway (5314
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