March 5, 2019 City Council Meetings
Honor the Texas Flag; I pledge allegiance to thee, Texas, one state under God, one and indivisible.
Call to Order
Honor the Texas Flag; I pledge allegiance to thee, Texas, one state under God, one and indivisible.
Item 5A - Presentation of Proclamation recognizing Arts Advocacy Day, March 5, 2019.
Item 5A
Presentation of Proclamation recognizing Arts Advocacy Day, March 5, 2019.»
Item 5B - Update from the City Council and Management: Financial Position, Major Projects,
Operational Issues, Upcoming Dates of Interest and Items of Community Interest.
Item 5B
Update from the City Council and Management: Financial Position, Major Projects,Operational Issues, Upcoming Dates of Interest and Items of Community Interest.
At this time, three-minute comments will be taken from the audience on any topic. To address the
Council, please submit a fully-completed request card to the City Secretary prior to the beginning
of the Citizens’ Input portion of the Council meeting. No action can be taken by the Council during
Citizens’ Input.
Item 6
CITIZENS’ INPUTAt this time, three-minute comments will be taken from the audience on any topic. To address the
Council, please submit a fully-completed request card to the City Secretary prior to the beginning
of the Citizens’ Input portion of the Council meeting. No action can be taken by the Council during
Citizens’ Input.
Consent Agenda - The following may be acted upon in one motion. A City Councilmember or a citizen may request
items be removed from the Consent Agenda for individual consideration.
7A. Consider action to approve minutes from the Feburary 19, 2019 City Council Meeting.
7C. Consider action to approve a resolution accepting the proposal of and issuing a purchase
order to Voss Lighting in the amount of $65,134.37 for the removal/disposal of 18 existing
light poles and fixtures and the installation of 18 new light poles and fixtures.
7D. Consider action to approve a resolution accepting the bid of and awarding a contract to
Tri-Con Services, Inc. (Tri-Con) in the amount of $664,541.50, a ten percent (10%)
contingency amount of $66,454.15, and up to $15,000 for an early completion bonus,
resulting in a total project budget of $745,995.65 for the Alley Reconstruction Locust
St./Larkspur Ln. and Simmons Dr./Karen Cir./Chaha Rd. Project, and authorizing the
Mayor to execute the necessary documents for said services.
7E. Consider action to approve a resolution accepting the bid of and issuing a purchase order
to Sam Pack’s Five Star Ford in the amount of $260,389.70 to purchase and equip five
2020 Ford Explorers as Police Interceptors.
Consent Agenda
The following may be acted upon in one motion. A City Councilmember or a citizen may requestitems be removed from the Consent Agenda for individual consideration.
7A. Consider action to approve minutes from the Feburary 19, 2019 City Council Meeting.
7C. Consider action to approve a resolution accepting the proposal of and issuing a purchase
order to Voss Lighting in the amount of $65,134.37 for the removal/disposal of 18 existing
light poles and fixtures and the installation of 18 new light poles and fixtures.
7D. Consider action to approve a resolution accepting the bid of and awarding a contract to
Tri-Con Services, Inc. (Tri-Con) in the amount of $664,541.50, a ten percent (10%)
contingency amount of $66,454.15, and up to $15,000 for an early completion bonus,
resulting in a total project budget of $745,995.65 for the Alley Reconstruction Locust
St./Larkspur Ln. and Simmons Dr./Karen Cir./Chaha Rd. Project, and authorizing the
Mayor to execute the necessary documents for said services.
7E. Consider action to approve a resolution accepting the bid of and issuing a purchase order
to Sam Pack’s Five Star Ford in the amount of $260,389.70 to purchase and equip five
2020 Ford Explorers as Police Interceptors.
Item 8B - Conduct a public hearing and take action on a request by Kiew Kam, Professional
Engineer, on behalf of the applicant Nishad Kolothody for a Special Use Permit (SUP) to
allow Vehicle Service and Repair Light on property zoned Limited Commercial/Retail (C-
1) District. The 0.836 acre site is located at 7800 Rowlett Road, City of Rowlett, Dallas
County, Texas.
Item 8B
Conduct a public hearing and take action on a request by Kiew Kam, ProfessionalEngineer, on behalf of the applicant Nishad Kolothody for a Special Use Permit (SUP) to
allow Vehicle Service and Repair Light on property zoned Limited Commercial/Retail (C-
1) District. The 0.836 acre site is located at 7800 Rowlett Road, City of Rowlett, Dallas
County, Texas.
Items 8C & 9 - 8C. Conduct a public hearing and take action on a request by Life Message Veterans
Resource Outreach Center for a Major Warrant to allow a monument sign on property
zoned Form Based Urban Village (FB-UV) District. The 0.3491-acre site is located at 4210
Industrial Street further described as being Lot 20 Block 5 of the Rowlett Business Park 2,
in the City of Rowlett, Dallas County, Texas.
Items 8C & 9
8C. Conduct a public hearing and take action on a request by Life Message VeteransResource Outreach Center for a Major Warrant to allow a monument sign on property
zoned Form Based Urban Village (FB-UV) District. The 0.3491-acre site is located at 4210
Industrial Street further described as being Lot 20 Block 5 of the Rowlett Business Park 2,
in the City of Rowlett, Dallas County, Texas.
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