April 16, 2019 City Council Meetings
Honor the Texas Flag; I pledge allegiance to thee, Texas, one state under God, one and indivisible.
Call to Order
Honor the Texas Flag; I pledge allegiance to thee, Texas, one state under God, one and indivisible.
Item 5A - Presentation of proclamation recognizing the week of April 22 – 26, 2019 as
Administrative Professionals Week.
Item 5A
Presentation of proclamation recognizing the week of April 22 – 26, 2019 asAdministrative Professionals Week.
Item 5B - Presentation of proclamation recognizing the week of April 14 – 20, 2019 as National
Public Safety Telecommunicators Week.
Item 5B
Presentation of proclamation recognizing the week of April 14 – 20, 2019 as NationalPublic Safety Telecommunicators Week.
Item 5C - Presentation of proclamation recognizing the month of April 2019 as National Safe
Digging Month.
Item 5C
Presentation of proclamation recognizing the month of April 2019 as National SafeDigging Month.
Item 5D - Update from the City Council and Management: Financial Position, Major Projects,
Operational Issues, Upcoming Dates of Interest and Items of Community Interest.
Item 5D
Update from the City Council and Management: Financial Position, Major Projects,Operational Issues, Upcoming Dates of Interest and Items of Community Interest.
Consent Agenda - CONSENT AGENDA
The following may be acted upon in one motion. A City Councilmember or a citizen may request
items be removed from the Consent Agenda for individual consideration.
7A. Consider action to approve minutes from the April 2, 2019 City Council meeting.
7B. Consider action to approve a resolution authorizing a purchase order to Sam Pack’s Five
Star Ford in the amount of $96,183.64 for the purchase of two 2020 Ford Explorers for the
Rowlett Police Department.
Consent Agenda
CONSENT AGENDAThe following may be acted upon in one motion. A City Councilmember or a citizen may request
items be removed from the Consent Agenda for individual consideration.
7A. Consider action to approve minutes from the April 2, 2019 City Council meeting.
7B. Consider action to approve a resolution authorizing a purchase order to Sam Pack’s Five
Star Ford in the amount of $96,183.64 for the purchase of two 2020 Ford Explorers for the
Rowlett Police Department.
Item 7C - Consider action to approve a resolution approving Task Authorization #FY19-LT-01 to the
Master Professional Services agreement with la terra studio, inc. in the amount of
$212,750, for landscape and architectural design services for Herfurth Park Phase One
redevelopment and authorizing the Mayor to execute the necessary documents for said
Item 7C
Consider action to approve a resolution approving Task Authorization #FY19-LT-01 to theMaster Professional Services agreement with la terra studio, inc. in the amount of
$212,750, for landscape and architectural design services for Herfurth Park Phase One
redevelopment and authorizing the Mayor to execute the necessary documents for said
Item 8A - Conduct a public hearing and consider continuing the juvenile curfew and Article III of
Chapter 34, Sections 34-61 through 34-65, of the Code of Ordinances regarding the
Juvenile Curfew Ordinance.
Item 8A
Conduct a public hearing and consider continuing the juvenile curfew and Article III ofChapter 34, Sections 34-61 through 34-65, of the Code of Ordinances regarding the
Juvenile Curfew Ordinance.
Item 8B - Conduct a public hearing and take action on a request by the Skorburg Company, on behalf
of property owner Don Valk for a rezoning from Limited Commercial/Retail (C-1) District to
Planned Development (PD) District for Single-Family Uses for a 7.838-acre site located at
the southwest corner of Miller Road and Rowlett Road, in the City of Rowlett, Dallas
County, Texas.
Item 8B
Conduct a public hearing and take action on a request by the Skorburg Company, on behalfof property owner Don Valk for a rezoning from Limited Commercial/Retail (C-1) District to
Planned Development (PD) District for Single-Family Uses for a 7.838-acre site located at
the southwest corner of Miller Road and Rowlett Road, in the City of Rowlett, Dallas
County, Texas.
Executive Session & Item 9 - 2. EXECUTIVE SESSION
2A. The City Council shall convene into Executive Session pursuant to Texas Government Code, §551.071 (Consultation with City Attorney), to consult with and receive legal advice from the City Attorney relating to the Development Agreement for the Bayside project and litigation relating to the Bayside Project. (45 minutes) THIS WILL BE DISCUSSED AFTER THE REGULAR SESSION.
Executive Session & Item 9
2. EXECUTIVE SESSION2A. The City Council shall convene into Executive Session pursuant to Texas Government Code, §551.071 (Consultation with City Attorney), to consult with and receive legal advice from the City Attorney relating to the Development Agreement for the Bayside project and litigation relating to the Bayside Project. (45 minutes) THIS WILL BE DISCUSSED AFTER THE REGULAR SESSION.
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