May 13, 2019 Special City Council
Call to Order - CALL TO ORDER
Call to Order
Executive Session - EXECUTIVE SESSION (5:30 P.M.)*Times listed are approximate.
The City Council shall convene into Executive Session pursuant to Texas Government Code, §551.071 (Consultation with City Attorney), to consult with and receive legal advice from the City Attorney relating to contract negotiations with American Golf Corporation. (20 minutes)
Executive Session
EXECUTIVE SESSION (5:30 P.M.)*Times listed are approximate.The City Council shall convene into Executive Session pursuant to Texas Government Code, §551.071 (Consultation with City Attorney), to consult with and receive legal advice from the City Attorney relating to contract negotiations with American Golf Corporation. (20 minutes)
Item 3A - WORK SESSION (5:50 P.M.)*Times listed are approximate.
Discuss a final decision as it relates to the Waterview Golf Club Bunker Renovation Project and the selection of the liners in the bunkers. (30 minutes)
Item 3A
WORK SESSION (5:50 P.M.)*Times listed are approximate.Discuss a final decision as it relates to the Waterview Golf Club Bunker Renovation Project and the selection of the liners in the bunkers. (30 minutes)
Item 3B - Discuss amending the Fiscal Year 2019 Adopted Budget. (45 minutes)
Item 3B
Discuss amending the Fiscal Year 2019 Adopted Budget. (45 minutes)»
Consider action to approve a resolution canvassing the results of the General Election held
Saturday, May 4, 2019, for the positions of Mayor, Councilmember Place Two, Councilmember
Place Four and Councilmember Place Six and conduct drawing for position on ballot for runoff to
be held on June 8, 2019.
Item 4A
ITEMS FOR INDIVIDUAL CONSIDERATIONConsider action to approve a resolution canvassing the results of the General Election held
Saturday, May 4, 2019, for the positions of Mayor, Councilmember Place Two, Councilmember
Place Four and Councilmember Place Six and conduct drawing for position on ballot for runoff to
be held on June 8, 2019.
Item 5A - Administration of Oath of Office for Councilmember-Elect Place 2 Brownie Sherrill
Item 5A
Administration of Oath of Office for Councilmember-Elect Place 2 Brownie Sherrill»
Item 5B - Administration of Oath of Office for Councilmember-Elect Place 6 Martha Brown
Item 5B
Administration of Oath of Office for Councilmember-Elect Place 6 Martha Brown»
Items 5C & 6 - 5C. Administration of Oath of Office for Mayor-Elect Tammy Dana-Bashian
Items 5C & 6
5C. Administration of Oath of Office for Mayor-Elect Tammy Dana-Bashian6. ADJOURNMENT
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