June 20, 2017 City Council Meetings
Honor the Texas Flag; I pledge allegiance to thee, Texas, one state under God, one and indivisible.
Call to Order
Honor the Texas Flag; I pledge allegiance to thee, Texas, one state under God, one and indivisible.
Item 5A - Update from the City Council and Management: Financial Position, Major Projects, Operational
Issues, Upcoming Dates of Interest and Items of Community Interest.
Item 5A
Update from the City Council and Management: Financial Position, Major Projects, OperationalIssues, Upcoming Dates of Interest and Items of Community Interest.
At this time, three-minute comments will be taken from the audience on any topic. To address the Council,
please submit a fully-completed request card to the City Secretary prior to the beginning of the Citizens’
Input portion of the Council meeting. No action can be taken by the Council during Citizens’ Input.
Item 6
CITIZENS’ INPUTAt this time, three-minute comments will be taken from the audience on any topic. To address the Council,
please submit a fully-completed request card to the City Secretary prior to the beginning of the Citizens’
Input portion of the Council meeting. No action can be taken by the Council during Citizens’ Input.
Consent Agenda - The following may be acted upon in one motion. A City Councilmember or a citizen may request items be
removed from the Consent Agenda for individual consideration.
7A. Consider action to approve minutes from the June 6, 2017 City Council Regular Meeting, June
13, 2017 Special Work Session and June 15, 2017 Special Work Session.
7C. Consider action to approve a resolution approving Task Authorization FY17-01LEE to the
Agreement for Professional Services with Lee Engineering, LLC., in the amount of $142,940 for
traffic engineering design services for the Advanced Traffic Management System (ATMS)
(ST2114) and authorizing the Mayor to execute the necessary documents for said services.
7D. Consider action to adopt an ordinance amending the Fiscal Year 2017 (FY2017) Capital
Improvements Program Budgets.
7E. Consider action to officially accept the resignations of Councilmember Robbert van Bloemendaal
and Councilmember Tammy Dana-Bashian.
7F. Consider action to approve an Ordinance amending Chapter 78 “Development Code” to adopt
the 2015 International Property Maintenance Code (IPMC), for the purposes of regulating the
maintenance, safety and structural integrity of residential properties in the City.
7G. Consider action to approve a resolution entering into an Interlocal Agreement with the City of
Midlothian for cooperative purchasing, allowing both cities to cooperatively purchase goods and
services under each other's competitively bid contracts.
7H. Consider a resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute a professional services agreement
with Freese and Nichols, Inc., to provide professional planning and consulting services for the
adoption of revisions to the City’s Comprehensive Plan.
Consent Agenda
The following may be acted upon in one motion. A City Councilmember or a citizen may request items beremoved from the Consent Agenda for individual consideration.
7A. Consider action to approve minutes from the June 6, 2017 City Council Regular Meeting, June
13, 2017 Special Work Session and June 15, 2017 Special Work Session.
7C. Consider action to approve a resolution approving Task Authorization FY17-01LEE to the
Agreement for Professional Services with Lee Engineering, LLC., in the amount of $142,940 for
traffic engineering design services for the Advanced Traffic Management System (ATMS)
(ST2114) and authorizing the Mayor to execute the necessary documents for said services.
7D. Consider action to adopt an ordinance amending the Fiscal Year 2017 (FY2017) Capital
Improvements Program Budgets.
7E. Consider action to officially accept the resignations of Councilmember Robbert van Bloemendaal
and Councilmember Tammy Dana-Bashian.
7F. Consider action to approve an Ordinance amending Chapter 78 “Development Code” to adopt
the 2015 International Property Maintenance Code (IPMC), for the purposes of regulating the
maintenance, safety and structural integrity of residential properties in the City.
7G. Consider action to approve a resolution entering into an Interlocal Agreement with the City of
Midlothian for cooperative purchasing, allowing both cities to cooperatively purchase goods and
services under each other's competitively bid contracts.
7H. Consider a resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute a professional services agreement
with Freese and Nichols, Inc., to provide professional planning and consulting services for the
adoption of revisions to the City’s Comprehensive Plan.
Item 7B - Consider action to approve a resolution accepting the proposal of and awarding a contract to FCC
Environmental Services for solid waste services for the City of Rowlett and authorizing the City
Manager to enter into an agreement after City Attorney approval.
Item 7B
Consider action to approve a resolution accepting the proposal of and awarding a contract to FCCEnvironmental Services for solid waste services for the City of Rowlett and authorizing the City
Manager to enter into an agreement after City Attorney approval.
Item 8A - Consider action to approve a resolution amending the Bylaws of Tax Increment Reinvestment
Zone Number Two, to remove the requirement that the TIRZ Board of Directors meet in June of
each year, and appoint a new chairperson to serve for the remainder of 2017.
Item 8A
Consider action to approve a resolution amending the Bylaws of Tax Increment ReinvestmentZone Number Two, to remove the requirement that the TIRZ Board of Directors meet in June of
each year, and appoint a new chairperson to serve for the remainder of 2017.
Item 8B - Consider action to approve a resolution appointing a Chairperson for the City of Rowlett Tax
Increment Reinvestment Zone No. 3 (TIRZ #3) Board of Directors.
Item 8B
Consider action to approve a resolution appointing a Chairperson for the City of Rowlett TaxIncrement Reinvestment Zone No. 3 (TIRZ #3) Board of Directors.
Items 8C & 9 - 8C. Consider action to approve a Resolution approving a Tree Survey Preservation Plan and
associated Tree Removal Permit request for Woodmere Homes, located at 7300 Woodmere
Drive, further described as a 6.36 +/- acre tract of land situated in the James Saunders Survey,
Abstract No. 1424, City of Rowlett, Dallas County, Texas.
Items 8C & 9
8C. Consider action to approve a Resolution approving a Tree Survey Preservation Plan andassociated Tree Removal Permit request for Woodmere Homes, located at 7300 Woodmere
Drive, further described as a 6.36 +/- acre tract of land situated in the James Saunders Survey,
Abstract No. 1424, City of Rowlett, Dallas County, Texas.
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