July 2, 2019 City Council Work Session
Call to Order - CALL TO ORDER
Call to Order
Executive Session - EXECUTIVE SESSION (5:30 P.M.)* Times listed are approximate.
2A. The City Council shall convene into Executive Session pursuant to Texas
Government Code, §551.087 (Economic Development) and §551.071
(Consultation with Attorney), to discuss commercial or financial information from a
business prospect that the City seeks to have locate, stay or expand in the City
and with whom the Council is conducting economic development negotiations, and
to consult with and receive legal advice from the City Attorney relating to the
development of the Bayside project. (30 minutes)
Executive Session
EXECUTIVE SESSION (5:30 P.M.)* Times listed are approximate.2A. The City Council shall convene into Executive Session pursuant to Texas
Government Code, §551.087 (Economic Development) and §551.071
(Consultation with Attorney), to discuss commercial or financial information from a
business prospect that the City seeks to have locate, stay or expand in the City
and with whom the Council is conducting economic development negotiations, and
to consult with and receive legal advice from the City Attorney relating to the
development of the Bayside project. (30 minutes)
Item 3A - WORK SESSION (6:00 P.M.)*
Joint Meeting of the Parks and Recreation Adviosry Board and City Council. (30 minutes)
Item 3A
WORK SESSION (6:00 P.M.)*Joint Meeting of the Parks and Recreation Adviosry Board and City Council. (30 minutes)
Item 3B - Discuss proposed allocations for 2019-2020 Community Development Block Grant
funding. (30 minutes)
Item 3B
Discuss proposed allocations for 2019-2020 Community Development Block Grantfunding. (30 minutes)
Item 3C - Discuss amending the master fee schedule and adopting revised permit and inspection
fees for residential dwellings in accordance with new State Law. (20 minutes)
Item 3C
Discuss amending the master fee schedule and adopting revised permit and inspectionfees for residential dwellings in accordance with new State Law. (20 minutes)
Item 4
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