October 9, 2018 Planning and Zoning Commission
2A Update Report from Staff.
Item 2
CALL TO ORDER2A Update Report from Staff.
3A Consider the Minutes of the Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting of September 25, 2018.
Item 3
CONSENT AGENDA3A Consider the Minutes of the Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting of September 25, 2018.
Item 4A - Conduct a public hearing and make a recommendation on a request by Dan Adhamy,
Wedgewood Development, LLC, for a Planned Development (PD) Amendment of Ordinance
001-08 to allow for an 18,981 square foot, multi-tenant medical and professional office building.
The 1.89 acre site is located at 6901 Rowlett Road, in the Reason Crist Survey, Abstract No. 225,
Lot 2, Block 1 of the Springfield Plaza Addition, City of Rowlett, Dallas County, Texas.
Item 4A
Conduct a public hearing and make a recommendation on a request by Dan Adhamy,Wedgewood Development, LLC, for a Planned Development (PD) Amendment of Ordinance
001-08 to allow for an 18,981 square foot, multi-tenant medical and professional office building.
The 1.89 acre site is located at 6901 Rowlett Road, in the Reason Crist Survey, Abstract No. 225,
Lot 2, Block 1 of the Springfield Plaza Addition, City of Rowlett, Dallas County, Texas.
Items 4B & 5 - 4B Conduct a public hearing and make a recommendation on a request by Michael Holigan on
behalf of the property owners, V.M.C. Mooney and Kathryn Marie Jerome, for a rezoning from
Single Family Residential (SF-40) District to Form Based Urban Neighborhood (FB-UN) with a
Major Warrant to allow front entry, front facing garages with the elimination of alleys. The
24.844 acre site is located at 3601 and 3802 Miller Road, in the William Crabtree Survey,
Abstract No. 347, City of Rowlett, Dallas County, Texas.
Items 4B & 5
4B Conduct a public hearing and make a recommendation on a request by Michael Holigan onbehalf of the property owners, V.M.C. Mooney and Kathryn Marie Jerome, for a rezoning from
Single Family Residential (SF-40) District to Form Based Urban Neighborhood (FB-UN) with a
Major Warrant to allow front entry, front facing garages with the elimination of alleys. The
24.844 acre site is located at 3601 and 3802 Miller Road, in the William Crabtree Survey,
Abstract No. 347, City of Rowlett, Dallas County, Texas.
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