January 21, 2020 City Council Meetings
Honor the Texas Flag; I pledge allegiance to thee, Texas, one state under God, one and indivisible.
Call to Order
Honor the Texas Flag; I pledge allegiance to thee, Texas, one state under God, one and indivisible.
Item 5A - Presentation announcing the promotion of Corporal Reid Smith to Sergeant in the Rowlett
Police Department.
Item 5A
Presentation announcing the promotion of Corporal Reid Smith to Sergeant in the RowlettPolice Department.
Item 5B - Presentation of Proclamation to Billy Furgerson as part of the Rowlett Veterans
Recognition Program.
Item 5B
Presentation of Proclamation to Billy Furgerson as part of the Rowlett VeteransRecognition Program.
Item 5C - Update from the City Council and Management: Financial Position, Major Projects,
Operational Issues, Upcoming Dates of Interest and Items of Community Interest.
Item 5C
Update from the City Council and Management: Financial Position, Major Projects,Operational Issues, Upcoming Dates of Interest and Items of Community Interest.
Consent Agenda & Item 9 - CONSENT AGENDA
The following may be acted upon in one motion. A City Councilmember or a citizen may
request items be removed from the Consent Agenda for individual consideration.
7A. Approving minutes.
Consider action to approve minutes from the January 7, 2020 City Council meeting.
7B. Consider adopting the revised Rowlett Public Library’s Policy Manual.
Consider action to approve a resolution adopting the revised Rowlett Public Library’s
Policy Manual.
7C. Consider approving a renewal for annual crack seal contract to American Pavement
Solutions, Inc.
Consider action to approve a resolution approving a contract renewal with American
Pavement Solutions, Inc. for pavement crack sealing repairs.
7D. Consider approving a renewal for concrete repairs to Cam-Crete Contracting, Inc.
Consider action to approve a resolution approving a contract renewal with Cam-Crete
Contracting, Inc. (“Cam-Crete”) for concrete repair to streets, alleys, sidewalks and curbs.
7E. Consider approving contract to Fortiline Waterworks for inventory and line
replacement parts and materials.
Consider action to approve a resolution accepting the bid of and awarding a contract to
Fortiline Waterworks in the amount of $490,705.90 for the purchase of inventory and line
replacement parts and materials for the wastewater collection and water distribution
7F. Consider approving a renewal pavement leveling services to Nortex Concrete Lift
and Stabilization, Inc.
Consider action to approve a resolution approving a contract renewal with Nortex
Concrete Lift and Stabilization, Incorporated (“Nortex”) for pavement leveling services.
7G. Consider approving the purchase of road and highway materials with Dallas
Consider action to approve a resolution approving a contract renewal with Oldcastle
Materials, operating as TexasBit, for asphalt and other road repair materials.
7H. Consider approving a renewal for comprehensive disaster recovery management
Consider action to approve a resolution exercising the fourth of four one-year contract
renewal options for the continuation of comprehensive disaster recovery management
services with CDR Maguire Inc.
7I. Consider approving a renewal for the continuation of disaster debris removal,
reduction, disposal and other emergency debris related services.
Consider action to approve a resolution exercising the fourth of four one-year contract
renewal options for the continuation of emergency disaster debris removal, reduction,
disposal and other debris related services with Crowder Gulf, LLC.
7J. Consider approving a renewal for the continuation of disaster debris monitoring
and consulting services.
Consider action to approve a resolution exercising the fourth of four one-year contract
renewal options for the continuation of disaster debris monitoring and consulting services
with True North Emergency Services, LLC.
7K. Consider approving resolution to submit an application for grant funding for the
purchase of a solid waste and recycling education vehicle and equipment.
Consider action to approve a resolution authorizing the City Manager to submit an
application for and, if awarded, accept $48,172.00 in grant funding from the North Central
Texas Council of Governments’ (NCTCOG) 2020-2021 Solid Waste Grant Program for
the purchase of a solid waste and recycling education vehicle and equipment.
7L. Consider approving a resolution to submit an application for grant funding for the
purchase of a community cleanup trailer and equipment.
Consider action to approve a resolution authorizing the City Manager to submit an
application for and, if awarded, accept $16,553.50 in grant funding from the North Central
Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG) 2020-2021 Solid Waste Grant Program for the
purchase of a community cleanup trailer and equipment.
Consent Agenda & Item 9
CONSENT AGENDAThe following may be acted upon in one motion. A City Councilmember or a citizen may
request items be removed from the Consent Agenda for individual consideration.
7A. Approving minutes.
Consider action to approve minutes from the January 7, 2020 City Council meeting.
7B. Consider adopting the revised Rowlett Public Library’s Policy Manual.
Consider action to approve a resolution adopting the revised Rowlett Public Library’s
Policy Manual.
7C. Consider approving a renewal for annual crack seal contract to American Pavement
Solutions, Inc.
Consider action to approve a resolution approving a contract renewal with American
Pavement Solutions, Inc. for pavement crack sealing repairs.
7D. Consider approving a renewal for concrete repairs to Cam-Crete Contracting, Inc.
Consider action to approve a resolution approving a contract renewal with Cam-Crete
Contracting, Inc. (“Cam-Crete”) for concrete repair to streets, alleys, sidewalks and curbs.
7E. Consider approving contract to Fortiline Waterworks for inventory and line
replacement parts and materials.
Consider action to approve a resolution accepting the bid of and awarding a contract to
Fortiline Waterworks in the amount of $490,705.90 for the purchase of inventory and line
replacement parts and materials for the wastewater collection and water distribution
7F. Consider approving a renewal pavement leveling services to Nortex Concrete Lift
and Stabilization, Inc.
Consider action to approve a resolution approving a contract renewal with Nortex
Concrete Lift and Stabilization, Incorporated (“Nortex”) for pavement leveling services.
7G. Consider approving the purchase of road and highway materials with Dallas
Consider action to approve a resolution approving a contract renewal with Oldcastle
Materials, operating as TexasBit, for asphalt and other road repair materials.
7H. Consider approving a renewal for comprehensive disaster recovery management
Consider action to approve a resolution exercising the fourth of four one-year contract
renewal options for the continuation of comprehensive disaster recovery management
services with CDR Maguire Inc.
7I. Consider approving a renewal for the continuation of disaster debris removal,
reduction, disposal and other emergency debris related services.
Consider action to approve a resolution exercising the fourth of four one-year contract
renewal options for the continuation of emergency disaster debris removal, reduction,
disposal and other debris related services with Crowder Gulf, LLC.
7J. Consider approving a renewal for the continuation of disaster debris monitoring
and consulting services.
Consider action to approve a resolution exercising the fourth of four one-year contract
renewal options for the continuation of disaster debris monitoring and consulting services
with True North Emergency Services, LLC.
7K. Consider approving resolution to submit an application for grant funding for the
purchase of a solid waste and recycling education vehicle and equipment.
Consider action to approve a resolution authorizing the City Manager to submit an
application for and, if awarded, accept $48,172.00 in grant funding from the North Central
Texas Council of Governments’ (NCTCOG) 2020-2021 Solid Waste Grant Program for
the purchase of a solid waste and recycling education vehicle and equipment.
7L. Consider approving a resolution to submit an application for grant funding for the
purchase of a community cleanup trailer and equipment.
Consider action to approve a resolution authorizing the City Manager to submit an
application for and, if awarded, accept $16,553.50 in grant funding from the North Central
Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG) 2020-2021 Solid Waste Grant Program for the
purchase of a community cleanup trailer and equipment.
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