March 4, 2014 City Council
Call to Order - INVOCATION
Honor the Texas Flag; I pledge allegiance to thee, Texas, one state under God, one and indivisible.
Call to Order
Honor the Texas Flag; I pledge allegiance to thee, Texas, one state under God, one and indivisible.
Item 5A - Presentation of the Rowlett Police Department’s, Lifesaving Award to Officers Edgar Borusqueta and Ryan Doherty.
Item 5A
Presentation of the Rowlett Police Department’s, Lifesaving Award to Officers Edgar Borusqueta and Ryan Doherty.»
Item 5B - Present the monthly Financial Report for the period ending January 31, 2014.
Item 5B
Present the monthly Financial Report for the period ending January 31, 2014.»
Item 5C & 6 - 5C.Update from the City Council and Management: Financial Position, Major Projects, Operational
Issues, Upcoming Dates of Interest and Items of Community Interest.
Item 5C & 6
5C.Update from the City Council and Management: Financial Position, Major Projects, OperationalIssues, Upcoming Dates of Interest and Items of Community Interest.
Consent Agenda - 7A. Consider action to approve minutes from the February 18, 2014, City Council Meeting.
7B. Consider action to approve a resolution awarding the bid for the purchase of a Voice over IP (VoIP) telephony system including a five year maintenance agreement to Mitel/Co-Nexus in the amount of $102,500 through the Interlocal Cooperative Purchasing Agreement with the National Joint Powers Alliance (NJPA) and authorizing the City Manager, after City Attorney approval, to
execute the necessary documents for said purchase.
7C. Consider action to approve a resolution accepting the bid of and awarding a contract to
Landmark Structures I, L.P. in the amount of $3,370,000 for the base bid and up to $14,400 for an early completion bonus, resulting in a total bid of $3,384,400 for the Main Street 1.25 Million Gallon Elevated Water Storage Tank. (WS 2/18/14)
7D. Consider approving a Joint Election Contract with Dallas County Elections Department for the May 10, 2014, General Election and the possible June 21, 2014, Run-Off Election.
7E. Consider action to approve the renewal of the existing contract for prosecutorial services to Attorney Felicita Amy Thomas for the Rowlett Municipal Court of Record No. 1, and authorizing the Mayor to execute said agreement.
7F. Consider action to approve a resolution to enter into a Facilities Agreement with Benbrook
Winchester, LP for the North Shore Sanitary Sewer Main Construction Project for property
located at 3100 Merritt Rd. and to authorize the Mayor to execute the necessary documents.
(WS 02/18/14)
7G. Consider action to approve a resolution to approve the application of a Texas Criminal Justice Division Grant to purchase 16 P25 portable radios.
7H. Consider an ordinance amending the Fiscal Year 2013-14 Adopted Operating and Capital
Improvements Program Budget.
Consent Agenda
7A. Consider action to approve minutes from the February 18, 2014, City Council Meeting.7B. Consider action to approve a resolution awarding the bid for the purchase of a Voice over IP (VoIP) telephony system including a five year maintenance agreement to Mitel/Co-Nexus in the amount of $102,500 through the Interlocal Cooperative Purchasing Agreement with the National Joint Powers Alliance (NJPA) and authorizing the City Manager, after City Attorney approval, to
execute the necessary documents for said purchase.
7C. Consider action to approve a resolution accepting the bid of and awarding a contract to
Landmark Structures I, L.P. in the amount of $3,370,000 for the base bid and up to $14,400 for an early completion bonus, resulting in a total bid of $3,384,400 for the Main Street 1.25 Million Gallon Elevated Water Storage Tank. (WS 2/18/14)
7D. Consider approving a Joint Election Contract with Dallas County Elections Department for the May 10, 2014, General Election and the possible June 21, 2014, Run-Off Election.
7E. Consider action to approve the renewal of the existing contract for prosecutorial services to Attorney Felicita Amy Thomas for the Rowlett Municipal Court of Record No. 1, and authorizing the Mayor to execute said agreement.
7F. Consider action to approve a resolution to enter into a Facilities Agreement with Benbrook
Winchester, LP for the North Shore Sanitary Sewer Main Construction Project for property
located at 3100 Merritt Rd. and to authorize the Mayor to execute the necessary documents.
(WS 02/18/14)
7G. Consider action to approve a resolution to approve the application of a Texas Criminal Justice Division Grant to purchase 16 P25 portable radios.
7H. Consider an ordinance amending the Fiscal Year 2013-14 Adopted Operating and Capital
Improvements Program Budget.
Item 8A - Conduct a public hearing and consider an ordinance approving Major Warrants for property
located at 8701 Liberty Grove Road, within the Urban Village Form Based District, for building
orientation, block dimension, and building transparency, in order to develop a church.
Item 8A
Conduct a public hearing and consider an ordinance approving Major Warrants for propertylocated at 8701 Liberty Grove Road, within the Urban Village Form Based District, for building
orientation, block dimension, and building transparency, in order to develop a church.
Item 8B - Conduct a public hearing and consider an ordinance approving a Special Use Permit to allow the expansion of a mini-warehouse in the Industrial Overlay District and General Manufacturing (M-2) zoning district for property located at 2416 Lakeview Parkway. (SUP14-697)
Item 8B
Conduct a public hearing and consider an ordinance approving a Special Use Permit to allow the expansion of a mini-warehouse in the Industrial Overlay District and General Manufacturing (M-2) zoning district for property located at 2416 Lakeview Parkway. (SUP14-697)TAKE ANY NECESSARY OR APPROPRIATE ACTION ON CLOSED/EXECUTIVE SESSION
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