May 6, 2014 City Council Meetings
Honor the Texas Flag; I pledge allegiance to thee, Texas, one state under God, one and indivisible.
Call to Order
Honor the Texas Flag; I pledge allegiance to thee, Texas, one state under God, one and indivisible.
Item 5A - Proclamation recognizing the week of May 11-17, 2014, as National Police Week.
Item 5A
Proclamation recognizing the week of May 11-17, 2014, as National Police Week.»
Item 5B - Proclamation recognizing the week of May 4-10, 2014, as Rowlett Detention Officers Week.
Item 5B
Proclamation recognizing the week of May 4-10, 2014, as Rowlett Detention Officers Week.»
Item 5C - Proclamation recognizing the month of May, 2014 as National Motorcycle Awareness Month.
Item 5C
Proclamation recognizing the month of May, 2014 as National Motorcycle Awareness Month.»
Item 5D - Proclamation recognizing the month of May, 2014 as National Water Safety Month.
Item 5D
Proclamation recognizing the month of May, 2014 as National Water Safety Month.»
Item 5E - Update from the City Council and Management: Financial Position, Major Projects, Operational
Issues, Upcoming Dates of Interest and Items of Community Interest.
Item 5E
Update from the City Council and Management: Financial Position, Major Projects, OperationalIssues, Upcoming Dates of Interest and Items of Community Interest.
Consent Agenda - The following may be acted upon in one motion. A City Councilmember or a citizen may request items be removed from the Consent Agenda for individual consideration.
7A. Consider action to approve minutes from the April 15, 2014, City Council Meeting, and the April 29, 2014, City Council Special Meeting.
7B. Consider approving and adopting an ordinance amending the Water Management Plan
(February 21, 2012) as required by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) by
May 1, 2014, to the proposed Water Conservation and Water Resource & Emergency Management Plans and authorizing the mayor to execute the necessary documents.
7C. Consider action to approve a resolution accepting the bid of and awarding a contract to J.S. Haren Company in the amount of $1,530,826 for the total base bid with a 5 percent contingency for $76,542 and up to $10,000 for an early completion bonus, resulting in a total project amount of $1,617,368, for the Eastside Lift Station Upgrades Project and authorizing the Mayor to execute the necessary documents for said services.
7D. Consider action to approve a resolution accepting the bid of and awarding a contract to Flow-Line Construction, Incorporated in the amount of $390,018 for the base bid with a 10 percent contingency for $39,002 and up to $5,000 for an early completion bonus, resulting in a total project amount of $434,020, for the 24-Inch Force Main Replacement and Television Inspection Project and authorizing the Mayor to execute the necessary documents for said services.
7E. Consider action to approve a resolution accepting the bid of and awarding a contract to
Ferguson Waterworks in the amount of $66,304 for the purchase of inventory and line replacement parts and materials for the collection and distribution system.
Consent Agenda
The following may be acted upon in one motion. A City Councilmember or a citizen may request items be removed from the Consent Agenda for individual consideration.7A. Consider action to approve minutes from the April 15, 2014, City Council Meeting, and the April 29, 2014, City Council Special Meeting.
7B. Consider approving and adopting an ordinance amending the Water Management Plan
(February 21, 2012) as required by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) by
May 1, 2014, to the proposed Water Conservation and Water Resource & Emergency Management Plans and authorizing the mayor to execute the necessary documents.
7C. Consider action to approve a resolution accepting the bid of and awarding a contract to J.S. Haren Company in the amount of $1,530,826 for the total base bid with a 5 percent contingency for $76,542 and up to $10,000 for an early completion bonus, resulting in a total project amount of $1,617,368, for the Eastside Lift Station Upgrades Project and authorizing the Mayor to execute the necessary documents for said services.
7D. Consider action to approve a resolution accepting the bid of and awarding a contract to Flow-Line Construction, Incorporated in the amount of $390,018 for the base bid with a 10 percent contingency for $39,002 and up to $5,000 for an early completion bonus, resulting in a total project amount of $434,020, for the 24-Inch Force Main Replacement and Television Inspection Project and authorizing the Mayor to execute the necessary documents for said services.
7E. Consider action to approve a resolution accepting the bid of and awarding a contract to
Ferguson Waterworks in the amount of $66,304 for the purchase of inventory and line replacement parts and materials for the collection and distribution system.
Item 8A - Continue a public hearing and take action regarding a request for a rezoning from Commercial Center Form Based District to a Planned Development to allow a single family residential subdivision and two office sites for property located at 7400 and 7600 Liberty Grove Road. (PD13-687)
Item 8A
Continue a public hearing and take action regarding a request for a rezoning from Commercial Center Form Based District to a Planned Development to allow a single family residential subdivision and two office sites for property located at 7400 and 7600 Liberty Grove Road. (PD13-687)»
Item 8B - Consider a resolution granting a request for a variance from the distance requirement for a
proposed business locating in Waterview Plaza at the intersection of Liberty Grove Road and
Princeton Road, wishing to sell alcoholic beverages for off-premise consumption.
Item 8B
Consider a resolution granting a request for a variance from the distance requirement for aproposed business locating in Waterview Plaza at the intersection of Liberty Grove Road and
Princeton Road, wishing to sell alcoholic beverages for off-premise consumption.
Items 8C & 9 - 8C. Hear a presentation from the City’s development partner, Integral Development LLC and Catalyst Urban Development LLC on the Downtown project concept for Village of Rowlett on specific City-owned property within the Downtown District.
Items 8C & 9
8C. Hear a presentation from the City’s development partner, Integral Development LLC and Catalyst Urban Development LLC on the Downtown project concept for Village of Rowlett on specific City-owned property within the Downtown District.TAKE ANY NECESSARY OR APPROPRIATE ACTION ON CLOSED/EXECUTIVE SESSION MATTERS
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