June 25, 2019 Planning and Zoning Commission
Item 1
Consent Agenda - 4A. Consider the Minutes of the Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting of June 11, 2019.
Consent Agenda
4A. Consider the Minutes of the Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting of June 11, 2019.»
Item 5A - Conduct a public hearing and take action on a Replat of Lots 2 and 3, Block C and Lot 3, Block B
of the Bayside East Addition to Lots 2R and 3R, Block C and Lot 3R, Block B of Mansions Bayside.
The 15.95-acre site is located at 1801 Bayside Drive, and 1801 Sunset Boulevard, in the City of
Rowlett, Dallas County, Texas.
Item 5A
Conduct a public hearing and take action on a Replat of Lots 2 and 3, Block C and Lot 3, Block Bof the Bayside East Addition to Lots 2R and 3R, Block C and Lot 3R, Block B of Mansions Bayside.
The 15.95-acre site is located at 1801 Bayside Drive, and 1801 Sunset Boulevard, in the City of
Rowlett, Dallas County, Texas.
Item 5B - Conduct a public hearing and take action on a Replat of Lot 2, Block B of the Bayside East
Addition to Lot 2R, Block B of Towers Bayside. The 10.85-acre site is located at the 8400 Sunset
Boulevard in the City of Rowlett, Dallas County, Texas.
Item 5B
Conduct a public hearing and take action on a Replat of Lot 2, Block B of the Bayside EastAddition to Lot 2R, Block B of Towers Bayside. The 10.85-acre site is located at the 8400 Sunset
Boulevard in the City of Rowlett, Dallas County, Texas.
Items 5C & 6 - 5C. Conduct a public hearing and make a recommendation to City Council for an amendment to
Chapter 77-704 of the Rowlett Development Code (RDC) to implement Section 211.006(f) of
the Texas Local Government Code, providing a standard requiring a three-fourths majority vote of the City Council to grant a change in zoning district boundary following a recommendation
of denial from a three-fourths majority vote of the Planning and Zoning Commission.
Items 5C & 6
5C. Conduct a public hearing and make a recommendation to City Council for an amendment toChapter 77-704 of the Rowlett Development Code (RDC) to implement Section 211.006(f) of
the Texas Local Government Code, providing a standard requiring a three-fourths majority vote of the City Council to grant a change in zoning district boundary following a recommendation
of denial from a three-fourths majority vote of the Planning and Zoning Commission.
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